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Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

dark beetween a light of the side

they coming with their spears in their hand

and she's only waiting for the god

to take her alone now

i ever think they are not fair

the sounds lately burst into my ears

and i become an angel to her sky will see a moment

have i take the words for her mind

as a power of mind

and i become stronger and save her life

i ready to be your angel with ordinary wings

i could be your saviour then promised

angel with ordinary (wings) will burning you out

and make you happy

i believe

i reach

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lirik-lirik lagu yang ada di blog ini dari berbagai sumber. bisa dari bandnya sendiri , dari masbro taxlans, dan dari upaya mendengarkan sendiri. terima kasih atas partisipasinya masbro skalian, majukan musik indie di kota sendiri !!!

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