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The Lady day die drunk - friend song (Friendship become Friendshit)

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

yesterday you always together with us
we are sharing laughing aech other
there is no days without our smile
we are the one forever together

everything lost when you have girlfriend
you forget all the thing about us
you world just for him
nothing friendship just a friendshit

you wanna go back to us
when you drop in moment
we very hate you
we just need friend but not you
we are the one forever together

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    lirik-lirik lagu yang ada di blog ini dari berbagai sumber. bisa dari bandnya sendiri , dari masbro taxlans, dan dari upaya mendengarkan sendiri. terima kasih atas partisipasinya masbro skalian, majukan musik indie di kota sendiri !!!

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